EDDM - Every Door Direct Mail
USPS Postage for $0.177 cents and no mailing list!
If you currently mail postcards for your business and target your customers by a geographic area then this new mailing program by USPS is for you. EDDM (Every Door Direct Mail) is a new promotion being rolled out by the US Postal Service that enables regular retail businesses to mail at an astounding 17 cents per postcard without even needing to have a mailing address.
Every Door Direct Mail Retail lets you market your business to every address in the neighborhood without the need for addresses or names. You save the cost of purchasing a mailing list and you save the annual cost of a postage permit. By eliminating these two expenses, you save hundreds of dollars on your mailing campaign. Combine that with a 66% savings in postage compared to a first class stamp and mail becomes the most powerhouse marketing tool in your arsenal.
Get Started with EDDM:
Click here for USPS EDDM Web Page and EDDM videos
Click here for EDDM User Guide
Using the Every Door Direct Mail is easy because we are here to help you understand and succeed with the program. It is an easy 3 step process.
1) Who do you want to reach?
You can mail to an entire city, a neighborhood or a targeted area that is a specified distance from your business. If you are targeting a specific area, you then identify which Postal Service mail routes match that area. The US Postal Service has an Every Door Direct Mail service tool located on their website at http://www.uspseverydoor.com/index.php/retail. It is easy to use, but you will have to get a “Customer Registration Identification.” This is not a permit and doesn’t cost anything.
You can also contact us at PostcardGuru Print & Promo and we will be happy to help you. In addition, we will help you navigate through the postal requirements as you prepare all the necessary forms and postal statements.
2) Choose Your Printed Mail Piece Design & Size.
What do you want to communicate on your mail piece? Do you want to advertise a sale, mail a coupon or let potential customers know you are there? You message will help determine the size of your mail piece.
EDDM pieces have to be what the postal service calls a “Flat”. That means it must be larger than 6-1/4"x11" but not larger than 12"x15." The most economical sizes that we have set up are 6.25"X9" and 8.5"x11" with the 8.5"X11" being the most popular.
PostcardGuru is here to help you figure out what size will work the best, along with helping you figure out what needs to go on the piece to print so you get your message across.
3) Schedule Your Mailing
When do you want to mail your piece? Do you want to mail it more than once? To introduce your business to the community you may want to mail once a month. If you are having a sale, mail one or more times during the course of the sale. We are here to help you figure all of this out. We can also print all your mailings at one time, which will save you money.
For ideas, information and anything else related to EDDM, just contact us. At PostcardGuru, we are here to help you succeed with all your print, promo and direct mail marketing.
Key Benefits of Every Door Direct Mail
No Postage Permit Required for EDDM:
When mailing a postcard through the post office traditionally you need a permit which can cost as much as $450 just to open your account. This annual fee has been waived to mail EDDM Retail.
No Mailing List needed for Every Door Direct Mail:
The post office is promoting what is called a simplified address so no mailing list is needed. You simply have to have the words "Postal Customer" and the post office will deliver your piece to the mailing routes that you request.
Large size card = better response
A Mailing flat is at least 6.25"x9" or larger size which means you have plenty of room to get your message to your customer. This is over 3 times the size of a 4"x6" postcard and costs 9 cents less!
As close as your local post office:
No need to go through the challenge of finding and understanding how to work with a business mail entry unit. EDDM Retail can be mailed from any post office and you can pay for postage with cash, check or debit card.
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